Seven Simple Rules of Sexual Consent That Everyone Needs to Know

By: Dalia LaFontaine
Hello There!! If you only have time to read one of my blog posts, this one is the one I want you to read.
One of the most common misconstruction, particularly among young adults, is the meaning of consent. Consent is also the cornerstone of healthy and respectful sexual experiences. Without it, sex can quickly become harmful, traumatic, and even illegal.
Sexual consent means that all parties involved freely and enthusiastically agree to participate in sexual activity. Consent is not only about saying "yes," but also about respecting boundaries and ensuring everyone feels safe and comfortable. Here are seven simple rules of sexual consent that everyone needs to know:
Always ask for consent
Never assume that your partner is comfortable with what you are doing or that they want to have sex with you. Asking for consent shows that you respect your partner's autonomy and their right to make their own decisions about their body. Always ask for explicit consent before engaging in any sexual activity. This includes kissing, touching, oral sex, or intercourse.
Listen to your partner's response
If your partner says no or seems hesitant, stop immediately. Respect their decision and don't pressure them into doing something they don't want to do. Make sure to pay attention to their body language and vocal cues to understand if they're enjoying themselves or not. A lack of enthusiasm is also a sign that your partner may not be fully comfortable with what you're doing.
Don't use alcohol or drugs to coerce someone into sex
Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair someone's judgment and ability to give proper consent. Never pressure someone into drinking or using drugs to convince them to have sex with you. If you or your partner are under the influence, it's best to wait until you're both sober before engaging in sexual activity.
Consent is ongoing
Consent is not a one-time thing. It's an ongoing conversation that should be happening throughout sexual activity. Just because someone has consented to one activity does not mean they have consented to everything. Always check in with your partner before moving on to the next activity. Consent is an ongoing process
Just because someone has consented to one type of sexual activity does not imply consent for another. Therefore, it must be given for each new sexual activity. It is crucial to communicate with your partner throughout the sexual encounter and ensure that they are still comfortable and enthusiastic about what is happening. Always ask for consent before moving on to a new activity or changing the current one.
Everyone has the right to change their mind
Even if someone has given consent, they can change their mind anytime. If your partner decides to no longer continue, respect their decision and stop immediately. Continuing after someone has withdrawn consent is sexual assault.
Respect boundaries
Everyone has different boundaries and limits. It's important to respect your partner's boundaries and never pressure them into doing something they're uncomfortable with. If your partner says no or seems hesitant, don't push them further. Always prioritize your partner's safety and well-being.
The concept of age of consent is an important one to understand. It refers to the legal age at which an individual is considered capable of providing sexual consent. It's important to note that minors, which are categorized as individuals under the age of consent, cannot legally offer sexual consent, regardless of whether they say "yes" or not. This is because they are not yet considered capable of fully understanding the consequences of their actions. The age of consent varies from country to country and state to state, and it's crucial to be aware of the legal age of consent in your location to ensure that you are not engaging in illegal sexual activity.
An unconscious person cannot give consent.
When someone is unconscious, they lack the capacity to understand or communicate their desires and boundaries. It is impossible for them to withdraw or provide consent. Engaging in sexual activity with an unconscious person is always considered non-consensual and can result in severe legal consequences. It is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved and obtain explicit, ongoing consent before engaging in sexual activity.
Communication is key
In conclusion, sexual consent is crucial to healthy and respectful sexual experiences. Good communication is key; always prioritize your partner's safety and well-being. It's essential to always ask for consent, listen to your partner's response, and respect their boundaries. Remember that consent is an ongoing conversation, and everyone has the right to change their mind at any time. Following these simple rules can help create a safe and respectful environment for all sexual activity.